
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not?

You have prepared your whole life for this, you ensured you were at every class, you made sure you paid close attention, took notes and even asked questions when you're uncertain about a topic. Days leading up to the major exam, you weren't that nervous, you tried and make all the necessary preparations, you reviewed all your jottings, you go through all the past papers you can get your hand on and you and your friends quizzed each other for hours. Now the big day has arrived, the day of reckoning is at hand. You wonder to yourself, "Will I pass or fail?" 

You take your seat at the examination table and the paper is placed in front of you, you quickly scan the questions and your heart skips a million beats and reaches your mouth, your bowel does the unthinkable. You hear the examiner says, "You may begin". You write your name on the paper and you sit and stare at the paper wondering where to start, you look around and everyone is writing except you. After about thirty minutes you finally compose yourself and you give it your best shot before you know it you hear, "Five minutes to go", you quickly scribble what you can on the paper.
"Times up, all pens down!" You are sweating from head to toe pondering, "What did I just do, my teacher is going to be so disappointed."  When the results come you were right, your greatest fears have been realized. You failed you missed the pass mark by only 1%.

Does the teacher loves me or loves me not?

All those years of preparation and struggles came down this. You walk with your head low as you turn over in your mind what excuses can you possibly, how are going to validate the outcome. Then it hit you, "Maybe I have not been as intuned as I thought I was. The days when I skipped the lessons for only a few hours to spend it with friends, the nights when I was to read a few chapters I opt for some Netflix and Facebook. The times I was to meet up with my classmates to participate in community service activities and I put it off for personal errands........... I'm such a disappointment. How am I going to face family and friends, enemies even? But most importantly how will I face my teacher. The person who spent his time ensuring that I had all the tools needed to sit this exam. The person who gave up so much made family sacrifices, left his family to invest his time and energy in me."

You meet face to face with the last person in the world who you want to see; this encounter, however, was inevitable. You muster all the courage you can find and you dig deep within the bowels of your soul to find the right words to answer the questions that will be asked of you. You begin, "Teacher I have done soo much work, I was never late, I paid all the class fees and ensured that I had all the texts. Teacher I  have done what you told me to do, I  spend so many hours sitting in class listening to the lectures. I just don't know how I failed this exam. I can't really and truly identify why I failed."

And then I heard the most shocking thing, ‘You were never a part of my class; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ Then reality kicked in, all my misgivings and shortcomings flash across my mind. I have failed, my false sense of security and placing trust in my own strength has cost the greatest fortune all-my eternity.

I now realized that like the writer of Proverbs I should have,  "Trusted in the Lord with all my heart, and did not lean on my own understandingand "love God so that all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose".


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